Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pond Dipping at the local stream was a definite hit with the kids. We only caught two sticklebacks and a bazillion shrimp but they were happy. Well that was until they banged heads trying to get a look at what was in the bucket!
My little cherubs outside the front of our house. The garden has come on a treat this year and I seem to be continually surprised by it. I didn't think I would get much "fat" or "height" this year but things have really taken well. Could be something to do with all the rain we have had mind!! I Will try to post some more pictures of the garden later but alot has now gone over.
Number two daughter hanging upside down in a not so dignified pose! she loves the climbing frame in fact anything that includes any slight bit of danger. She has fallen on her head several times from this pose! Now this week she has been in my bad books. On Monday I went to a friends house who has offered to have the children for me so I could go and do my walk since I haven't been out for over 6 weeks now. Against my better judgement I took her up on the offer. The kids and I, including Fergus headed over to her place and then I went on my merry way to remind myself how unfit I am. I should add before we left Fergus had a wail of a time watching Claire's rabbits (dog tv at its best). Got back and everybody was in the house. Left the dog in the garden checking the rabbits were safely in their run and had a chat with Claire. Checked from time to time to make sure that Fergus was not digging all ok. Ellie disappears outside to look at the rabbits, Claire reminds here not to lift the lid and I ask her to come and tell me if Fergus starts digging. We head up to Claire's little girls room which she in in the process of redecorating and was having a very nice chat when Ellie comes in crying and shouting that Fergus is chasing the rabbits around the garden - oh shit! I got down there to late, Fergus has killed one rabbit and apparently bitten the other on the head. What do you do or say? I immediately offered to replace the dead bunny but apparently they were sisters and you cannot put two unrelated rabbits together or they will fight. AHHH I was so angry and embarrassed I did not know what to say. Claire bless her sole was so lovely about it and didn't explode like I think I might have. I still feel horrendous about it but can't see what we else I can do. Hind sight is a wonderful thing! Anyway the next day Ellie headed off on a planned visit to my Mum's for a sleep over for two nights. She has started to learn how to ride her bike with the stabilizers off and didn't really want to come home to a grouchy Mum, personally I don't blame her. I can tell you that the dynamics with only two children was so different and so much easier than with three. We didn't have any bickering or fighting and I was so much calmer because of that. I picked Ellie up this afternoon and already we have had three hours of tears and fighting. Granted Ellie is tired as she went to dog training classes with my Dad last night but it seems that Ellie and Euan are unable to get along for more than half an hour without one of them looking at the other wrongly or something else totally catastrophic. Deep Joy my blood pressure is now back up again.

Euan has not escaped the wrath of Mum either. I looked out of the patio doors on Tuesday morning to see a huge hole in the drystone wall at the back of our garden. Not again ran through my head and I ask the usual question does anyone know who did it. Not me can the trio of answers. Right it turns out is was Euan again (this is the third time, the first two he got the wrath of Dad) but this time he has not only taken the stones out but chucked them into the neighbours garden GREAT! this would be the neighbours who have two rather nasty dogs and who I sense don't like me to much. Remind me again why did I have children?
We sort this episode out and I send them off to watch some tv to calm everyone down only to have Ellie coming in screaming that Euan has trapped her fingers in the living room patio door (which they are not allowed to open). Mum goes off the scale again and wishes she could be somewhere where the walls are padded and they cannot get to her.

As for Miss Maddie, what has she done, nothing too dramatic just the usual whinging and laziness about tidying up. Kids I love them loads but quite frankly I cannot wait till these holidays are over and they are all back at school. I usually enjoy the holidays and I have to say I was looking forward to these, now whether it is because J is away during the week and I don't get even that five minute bath break or I am just trying to do to much I am not sure. I need time for me and I haven't had it months but I still love them and am grateful for them I just wish someone would take them off my hands for a few days!!

Having said all that I have manged to get a bit of crafting done over the last week or so. I have made a new mirror for my downstairs loo, curtain to cover the ugly boiler, drawstring bag for the loo, a couple of heart button wreaths, several peg hooks for birthday presents, bunting for my Mum and a few odds and sods. I shall post some photos soon. Right off to make dinner and try to calm down!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hello there again sorry for yet another long blogging break! Been a busy week this week. Hilary you will be glad to know that the about package is going in the mail tomorrow! Completed pillowcases, oxford cushion, drawstring bag as requested and a further drawstring bag and rag heart as a sorry for the delay.
I had scraps left over from making the cushion cover and for some reason I couldn't throw them away. I decided to make a rag wreath of sorts shaped into my favourite form a heart. A friend had given me a little circular wreath similar in technique to this a few years ago and it suddenly came back to me. I had fun doing this and was quite pleased with the results so I hope Hilary is a well.

At the weekend the family took a trip to Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands to partake in a bit of bird feeding. As you can see by Maddie's face above fun was had by all, there were moments were things weren't all hunkie dory but I decided not to show you the shot of Euan's crying sulk! If you are ever in the area I suggest going it is a great day out for the kids and it wears them out! I would recommend buying copious amounts of seed though as the kids went through a bag at a real rate of knots.

Tuesday morning was spent at Westonburt Arboretum which is simply gorgeous. We went with my friend Wendy and her little girl who is Maddie's best friend Molly. Flora the neighbours dog was with us for the day as well so Fergus got to take his friend to! We had superb weather and a stroll around the woods with a chance for the kids to run madly all over the place from marker to marker on the nature trail tuckered everyone out. An ice cream was in order of course at the end and a large bucket of water for the dogs. The afternoon was spent making the above fabric bits and pieces then an early night for all.
Speaking of fabric pieces I have been meaning to show you all these for a few weeks. For the end of term I made the children's teachers a tissue holder each in some gorgeous fabric I got from Superbuzzy and since I was going to be making a few I thought in for a penny in for a pound. Well 35 to be exact! So there you go I finally have some christmas stock started!!

I have a fascination for these little hedgehogs, I can see a felt one coming on at some stage.

Wednesday was spent at the Cotswold Water Park where the kids can have a paddle in the lake, sit on some diggers and play with the sand with the added bonus of a playpark. The kids had a fabulous time, me it was lovely but I couldn't go to often as the crowds began to freak me out! It was really hot though and although I completely covered the kids with suncream I managed to burn my own legs - Ouch!
Not sure abou the colour of the water either, yes I know stop stressing but with the floods of late I wasn't sure what was in the water.
Is it cold Ellie? "No Mummy" two minutes later the bottom lip was out and she was shivering from head to toe, ahhhh children you've got to love them! Once bonus of the day was I meet up with Katie after three years. I knew Katie when our little ones went to a music and movement class years ago. Katie has been a kind purchaser of my work in the past and it was lovely to catch up again. Hello Katie look forward to a coffee with you soon.
Today was spent with my Mum in part and the rest trying to purchase my Anniversay gift for John. 10 years this year, god knows how he has managed to stick me for that long! More on the gift story later.
RIght I am off to bed since I have caught up with a weeks work of blogging in one night. I have a new copy of Mary Engelbriet to peruse and a copy of Creating Keepsakes Mini Albums. What more could a girl for ? Night all

Monday, August 06, 2007

August Layout complete on time!!

Can you believe it I have actually got one of my Big Picture briefs finished in the right month!! I had fun with this layout, we had to pick a picture that made us smile and this one definitely does. Maddie doesn't do anything by half and that includes giving a hug. Be prepared to be squashed to within an inch of your life!

Bottom half of the calendar

a close up of the chipboard letters, that I added some gloss to.

Last but not least this is a picture of a very happy little boy on his last day of school before summer this year. I was so proud of him as he received an award for the year 2 student who has made the most progress. Euan missed out on a whole year of school moving from the Scottish education system to the English one and I was worried he wouldn't be able to cope. But his report home shows how much he has improved in all areas and is now attaining C's which is the national average. Considering he was well below when he started in February he has worked so hard to jump up three grades in that short amount of time. Funnily enough the two subjects he received B's in were Design Technology and art!! that's my boy.
Well a short blog tonight I really need to go to bed because I have been one very crabby mummy today. I am still getting really frustrated that I cannot get any work done. (I hear you Hilary I am working on those pillowcases, bag and cushion!!) Part of my year to remember was to set a goal and I hoped to get my christmas stock done by the end of August, UMMMMMMM not going to happen I don't think! Right I shall love you and leave you. I think water balloon fights and another bout of stream dipping is on the cards for tomorrow. We caught two sticklebacks and a few other strange creatures yesterday, the kids loved it but unfortunately so did Fergus he came home covered in slime from the muddy strem. NICE not.