A Bob the Builder and JCB peghook which were both orders.
Today should be a day where I get on and design some new images. I have had robots on my mind for a while and feel the moment has come where I should develop it a bit further. I find there is always lots of things for girls but very little for boys.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
and then there is the little one who causes holy terror in the house, no i don't mean John :)
I have had a buzy week at the sewing machine finishing things off for orders and getting some bits sewn to take to show Mary Howard when we have our meeting this Saturday.
School tomorrow and another hand sewing lesson for my poor students. I hope to get a few more sewing bits and pieces done this week as well, however a trip to Cribbs Causeway on Thursday might throw a spanner in the works ;) Does anyone know where I can get thick fleece from?
Right Leslie I am going to call you now before I forget.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Wednesday was spent playing the Peter Rabbit game with a lesson for Euan in not winning ;) mum enjoyed that one(not much). Thursday Euan went to play at a friends and Maddie had here friend Molly around. They decided they wanted to make some more cupcakes which was fine by me. Tonight we shall see Euan has asked to watch a movie, which to be honest wasn't quite what I had in mind but they are all tired after their first week back and I am out with the girls tonight to celebrate Vanessa's birthday. Daddy is home early to which will be nice as he has been in London today.
Another resolution was to stay up to date with my scrap booking. I say up to date but I really mean starting from now. I managed to do over 25 layouts over Christmas and loved it. Not all of them are stunners but I feel so much better for playing. I made a promise that I would scrapbook at least three pages a month or scrapbook my photos as I take them this year so I don't miss life. I have been trying to go back and make up the children's albums but I feel so sad that I have totally forgotten so much about their baby years. It really hit home that I only have these children for a short time before they will be out till all hours or moving to university.
Weight will forever be on my resolution list but not sure if time will allow this year again. If we do get a slot at Mary Howard I think it will be all hours at the desk working. J was planning on climbing Mt Kenya this year but that doesn't look likely with the current political environment, so he has turned his attention to Ben Nevis with Euan in the late summer.
Not much else to report, hopefully I can pop in here at least once a week to try and update. Happy Belated New Year to all!