Happy New Year

I hope this finds you and yours all well and fully recovered from the holiday season. We have all been rather busy with trips to Disney land in Paris and then Christmas fun, Murder Mystery Parties et cetera.I have been trying to upload pictures tonight but to no avail so this will be a verbal only post unless it finally sorts its self out. (now sorted) I packed all the christmas decs away today and got my house cleaned. It had got beyond a joke the dog hair had formed a carpet on our wooden floors.
So what have I been up to since October? Well the usual really. The marketing job went very quiet unfortunately due to the current economic climate. Typical for me really as the timing couldn't have been worse with christmas fast approaching and not a lot in the kitty! I picked up quite a few supply days from Preschool which was great but unfortunately the hourly rate isn't as good. I have been back in school doing art with Euan's class and then just before christmas I helped make felt candy canes in Ellie and Maddie's class.
I have been sick on and off now since August, I am currently typing this with a thumping toothache which the dentist assures me is a sinus infection and not a filling problem. I am now on my sixth set of antibiotics since August which cannot be good for me or my body. I spent New Years Day in bed being a very lazy bugger but it was rather nice as I read a book from cover to cover! I am now a third of the way through my second book of the year :) I have enjoyed bookclub this year as it has really made me read some different books which I wouldn't usually have looked at. I have decided to keep a record of what I read this year and mark down what I thought of them.
Stitch was definitely my favourite out of all the characters and Euan loved him wiping his armpits with his hat.
We had a lovely if not slightly stressful time at Disneyland. The euro was at an all time low so we didn't get much bang for our buck. Generally each meal was costing us £100 yes that read pounds not euros and that was usually for a very average meal. The lines for each ride we sometimes over two hours and don't even get me started on French manners :( Still the children seemed to enjoy themselves and I am glad we took them but I will not be heading back again. I think we had just as much fun at Legoland free with my clubcard vouchers. We came home to find out that a little boy had died in the hotel swimming pool the day before we arrived which wasn't nice. There was no sign of anything while we were there but it was peculiar because the second time I took the kids swimming on my own and I just wasn't comfortable. We arrived home on christmas eve at 1:45pm with three very tired but must I say amazingly behaved kids on the eurostar and the underground at that time in the morning.
Christmas day was spent here with my parents. They arrived after lunch and stayed for a big christmas meal in the evening. The kids were spoilt rotten as usual and so must I say was I. I had lots of lovely Suzie Watson pottery from friends and my Mum. My dinner service is slowly started to build up, 6 bowls and two side plates plus a butter dish and numerous jugs. I think I now have about 8 mugs to. John got me a Wacom Tablet for the computer that I wanted, I have absolutely no idea how to use it but hey a new years resolution for me to learn this year. J got a Jamie Oliver pan from me (at his request!) but the pink not stick, non scratch utensils made him laugh - well that had to match my kitchen obviously!! Boxing day was spent building lego, trying to get into the packaging of Littlest Pet shop and generally being lazy slobs. Pure Bliss.


New Years was spent at my parents and we had a roman murder mystery party. Before the evening kicked off though my parents had the neighbours over to launch the lanterns which we were unable to send off on bonfire night. I think I must have got confused about them because I thought my Mum had said that they were to go on the lake but quite the opposite. You light them and the as they gas builds up in the paper balloon they take off and reach massive heights. They were absolutely stunning and my picture really doesn't give the illusion that we saw first hand. Apparently you are not allowed to release them within 8 miles of any airport. It would be stunning to see a whole mass of these sent up together.
After this Mum's neighbours came over along with their son and his partner. The costumes were hilarious and I found that if you take several paracetomal, antibiotics and alcohol you can get rid of your toothache for a few hours.
Tom who was Licentious Caesar

Me - Mercedes Accelarata and my Mum Rowtunda (forgotten her last name)
J -Harangus Adnausuam and Roe - Cleptopatra

Dad - Maximillus Testosterus with his very good home made helmet.
Apparently J doesn't want me to dye my hair black as it freaked him out, my Mum however said she quite liked the wicked side it brought out in me!
I have decided on my new word to 2009 it is going to be search. If you don't know what I am talking about then head over to Ali Edwards blog and all will be explained.
Right I am off to bed to see if I can read two books before the third day of the year. May all your wishes and dreams become reality in 2009 and if not lets just hope you have a bloody good year.