Sunday, March 25, 2007


I have quite a lot to post about but since I haven't worked out yet how to get the photos up in the order I want I will have to do them one at a time! Wednesday of this week was Tudor day in school were class 2 and up had to dress up in tudor costume and take in a tudor lunch box. Now you might think that a simple make do costume would do? Oh no we got sent home a full set of instructions on how to sew your own tudor costume!! I had a quick look on the net for fancy dress but all were coming in at around £16 minimum to buy. Me being me thought I can make it for less than that since I can sew. Hmmmmmmmmm Bad Bad Mistake. By the time that I had been to the charity shop to buy a white linen blouse to adapt and a faux suede skirt to make a waistcoat I was already up to £10! and I still had to buy fabric and feathers for the hat!! It took me an evening to make the waistcoat which I will say turned out ok thank god since I was making it the night before he had to wear it. Bless him though he was suitably impressed with my efforts and went off to school wearing my creation with no tears. Lesson learnt, order online early and swallow the cost soooooooooo much easier. Ellie had to go in as her favourite story book character which of course was Cinderella. (Sorry no photos). Last week was Red Nose day and Maddie had to wear her pjs and the older two had to go in red clothes and red hair. I was away in London with my Mum to see the Country Living Fair that day so I had to get them organised before we left. It was also the day that the cakes had to be taken in for the cake stall and each child had to have money for red noses and dressing up. I think poor John got a bit confused and had to do several trips back and forth to school before he got everything where it should be. I tell you the kids are keeping me busy even though they are at school all day.

I had a lovely time with my mum at the country living fair, unfortunately there wasn't much that captivated me, or rather fortunately for J and his bank balance!! Some of the jewellery was nice but the rest has all been seen or done before. I did manage to get Mum some glass baubles for Mothers Day to hang on her tree outside which were a bit different. Well I shall sign off this post and go and make the kiddos some dinner. I shall attempt another post later tonight.

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