Right well I had better pop off and feed and bath the children before I head out to book club tonight. Hope to post some more tomorrow of the felt workshop I did at school with Mum and some details of my latest adventure with her
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Right well I had better pop off and feed and bath the children before I head out to book club tonight. Hope to post some more tomorrow of the felt workshop I did at school with Mum and some details of my latest adventure with her
Monday, June 04, 2007
On Saturday night Euan, Hilary's husband surprised her by organising a birthday dinner at a local hotel. He hadn't told her that he was intending to invite 13 of her friends along as well. John and I had to fight the traffic on the Forth Road Bridge to make our way up to Cupar but it was well worth it. The Birthday girl was suitably surprised and very happy with her hubby! The meal was divine, I haven't tasted steak as good as that in a very long time. I also got to catch up with Laura, Biz and Aisling as well which was lovely.
So Hilary have a fantastic birthday you are a very special lady. We miss and love you loads from the Shields Madhouse.xxx
Half Term Break in Scotland
Boy where did May go? I know I said I would be a better blogger but hey life happens!!We have just got back from a visit to Scotland during half term week. We had loads of fun and got to catch up with some very special friends that we all miss terribly. J had to work but the kids and I made the most of the time, playing on the beach, shopping, eating out and gallons of tea at everybodies we visited! It was lovely to catch up with John and Margaret our old and very special neighbours at Eastfield Steading. We miss you and so do the kids.
Then up to the kids old school to catch up with their former class mates and to catch up with news. Ellie had her learning leopard from her new school and she took pictures to tell the story of her week to her class when she got home.
Then in the evening a girls night out at the DCA in Dundee with some very special friends. Thank you Eileen for organising the night it was lovely. I wish I hadn't have been driving though as it was half price cocktails and Shona the girl on the left of the picture tortured me by drinking my favourtie Pimms and Lemonade AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I really miss these ladies they are very special people who are so genuine. Ladies I will be back and this time I shall not be driving!
I will share some more pictures in my next post but I shall leave it here as Blogger doesn't seem to like to many photos!