Farting about the Edges!!
I always wish I had more hours in the day to get the things done that I want to but somehow I never get there. I swore I would have the bulk of my christmas stock done by now but not a bit of it in sight! HMMMMMM I am crap at trying to organise my time. I find when I have time I am so knackered that I can't move a muscle towards the workroom and then when I don't have the time I am brimming with ideas and visions in my head just itching to get going. This week has been spent playing catch up with washing, gardening and general niff naff after being away for a week. I started on two name plaque commissions and two new baby gifts of my own today. I hope to get them finished tomorrow morning but with Maddie home I don't know how much I will get done. Hilary's fabric arrived today which looks gorgeous but is now crowding me shouting to be made into curtains and cushions. I sometimes wish I could just disappear off the planet for a week or so and not have to worry about school runs, dinners, dog walks and just concentrate on what I need to do. Hey ho I wouldn't be without the little ones and I know this is just a demanding stage. In years to come I am sure I will be chasing them for a chat! Here are a few things I have been doing lately. Maybe one day I will stop farting around the edges and sit down to get on with some proper work and creating!
Right well I had better pop off and feed and bath the children before I head out to book club tonight. Hope to post some more tomorrow of the felt workshop I did at school with Mum and some details of my latest adventure with her
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