Can you believe it I have actually got one of my Big Picture briefs finished in the right month!! I had fun with this layout, we had to pick a picture that made us smile and this one definitely does. Maddie doesn't do anything by half and that includes giving a hug. Be prepared to be squashed to within an inch of your life!
Last but not least this is a picture of a very happy little boy on his last day of school before summer this year. I was so proud of him as he received an award for the year 2 student who has made the most progress. Euan missed out on a whole year of school moving from the Scottish education system to the English one and I was worried he wouldn't be able to cope. But his report home shows how much he has improved in all areas and is now attaining C's which is the national average. Considering he was well below when he started in February he has worked so hard to jump up three grades in that short amount of time. Funnily enough the two subjects he received B's in were Design Technology and art!! that's my boy.
Well a short blog tonight I really need to go to bed because I have been one very crabby mummy today. I am still getting really frustrated that I cannot get any work done. (I hear you Hilary I am working on those pillowcases, bag and cushion!!) Part of my year to remember was to set a goal and I hoped to get my christmas stock done by the end of August, UMMMMMMM not going to happen I don't think! Right I shall love you and leave you. I think water balloon fights and another bout of stream dipping is on the cards for tomorrow. We caught two sticklebacks and a few other strange creatures yesterday, the kids loved it but unfortunately so did Fergus he came home covered in slime from the muddy strem. NICE not.
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