Can you believe my baby has started school?
Maddie started big girl school this week and is loving it. She is still rather quiet in the classroom apparently but we have assured them this will not last and they should make the most of it! Maddie was adamant that she should carry her own new and hand picked bag to school with her lunch box safely tucked away inside. By the time she had her gym bag and book bag as well she was rather loaded down.
The last few days of the summer holidays were rather packed. John has been on leave for the last week and a half and took Euan and Grandad to Gloucester Rugby Clubs open day last week. Euan enjoyed testing out out the training facilities
So you ask Euan which activity he enjoyed the most and his answer was a resounding yes to paint balling. The army were there and he got to shot the SH** out of some targets with quite a lot of paint amo.
A lot of time this summer was spent riding our bikes around to the park to have a play and master new skills.Ellie has mastered the skill of hanging from the monkey bars and not breaking a sweat. I tried to show her how it was done and fell off after three bars. John thought was absolutely hilarious so I challenged him to do better. He managed two bars and fell off, apparently he had sweaty hands and that was the reason!!
During the month of August John and I celebrated our tenth year of marriage. 15 years together this Christmas. Apparently John said he could of got less for murder! nice dear I will remember that. We went out to the Rectory a hotel, restaurant bar in the village here and had a superb meal in the gardens on a very pleasant and sunny day.
My Parents joined us and we jointly celebrated their birthdays. The hotel has a pool which is open to the locals (unknown to me) and we spent a time cooling our toes in the water. Euan got in in his shorts and has a swim and Ellie also wanted to have a soak. Right the rules are Ellie you don't go past me because it will get to deep and you cannot swim - got it Ellie? Mummy has all her clothes on and will be pissed if she has to come in and get you. Yes Mum says Ellie - why do I believe her each time? Within five minutes I turned around from holding Maddie in for a swim to see Ellie just about drowning. Enter Euan the brave knight who saved the damsel in distress by dragging her back into her own depth again. If it is going to be any of my children it will always be Ellie.
I also took the children to Bibury a beautiful little village which I have talked about before. They have a trout farm there which I thought would be interesting for the children. I would definitely take a picnic next time so the entrance fee was worth the time. Bibury itself always seems full of Japanese Tourist buses which is fine but be prepared for this if you visit.
No I apologise if I have spelling and grammar mistakes in this post. It has taken me three hours to upload photos and just try to type this out. My poor laptop is a very sick bunny at the moment and doesn't like moving quickly anymore so correcting typos takes forever and quite frankly those that know me can understand what I might be trying to say.
With the school holidays over I will hopefully be getting back to some more crafting in the near future, my language will hopefully not be so colourful and the children shouldn't get shouted at by a crabby mummy so often. John goes back to work next week and regular programming will return. Peace and quiet at last, no tv, not stereo and no Mummy he/she did ............ I love my children dearly but I also love that quiet me time. I hope everyone is relaxed and enjoying a hot cup of tea in one sitting to!!
A few hellos while I remember. Welcome to the world Aaron Watts I am working on a present for you. Sarah I haven't forgotten I have to send you a parcel, ditto to Tara and thank you for the gorgeous coat for Maddie. Charlie Ball a Happy Belated birthday for yesterday. Right I am off to bed, the husband has already gone up which means I have snoring to look forward to now darn it. Goodnight!
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