Fully Relaxed!
Dear friends and fun have totally relaxed me. I have come home knackered (2am bedtimes don't do me any good!) but so relaxed and ready to start again. Pam (on the left) kindly gave me a bed for the night and fed me dinner -
thank you sweetheart!. Louise (in the middle) fed me lunch and allowed me to drool over her house and shop - if you are ever in
Chepstow check out Country Clutter you will definitely come out with a light wallet if your taste is anything like mine. Maria Grace (on the right) came over from America to teach at
Scrap Camp (sadly I couldn't afford to go) but I did manage to attend her class she gave at
Chepstow Pink Scrappers. Maria Grace has a blog called
www.momentarybliss.com if you are a
scrapbooker and fancy a nosey.

Pam and Louise hosted us both for the day and gave us a personal guided tour around
Chepstow, the castle and best of all Louise's shop. I might have had to pick up a few bits and pieces from her shop (god I wanted lots more!!!!!!!!!!!!). The little C
hristmas tree below just jumped into my arms and shouted at me to take it and put it in my downstairs loo! honest I am not lying........

Talking of shops there have been a few more uploads into my E
tsy shop. My Mum has also uploaded some of her fabulous hand dyed and hand painted silk scarves.

Rupert the Red Robin

Rockey the Rock Hopper Penguin

Rusty the Round Red Robin

Penelope the Penguin

and some xmas puddin love.

Now this morning was spent at Venture Photograph having a family shoot which I won last month. The kids, dog and parents all had a fabulous time larking about and hopefully getting that group family shot we don't ever seem to be able to achieve. The voucher I received gave us one free print, so
UMMMMMM how much this could cost is
anyones guess. I will let you know tomorrow when we go back for our private viewing just how bankrupt we are. Can you tell Miss Ellie above hates having her photo taken? Oh boy she could not stop jumping in everyone
elses shots so we promised her a private photo shoot at Grannies in the afternoon.
Not to be outdone her sister demanded the same!
Okay so
Euan and Leo wanted in on the action as well.
Right I am off to bed to try and remove these bags from under my eyes. Pam and Louise I hope you are enjoying Scrap Camp and don't get lost with the Housemaid's trolley! Goodnight to all.
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