Time to celebrate Maddie's 4th Birthday
Boy when did my baby get to be four years old? I cannot believe that Maddie will be starting school this year she still seems so little to me. We had a fairy Toadstool party theme this year and the invites were handmade by moi using some of my forgotten scrapbook supplies that have been catching dust since I never get time to scrap these days. I hand cut all the bits and inked them and then glued them together. The dots are just office supply dots which came in handy. We only had 9 little girls coming to the party this year which was a nice managable number especially in this house. I was hoping for nice weather and thankfully although the grass was slightly wet we did manage to get outside.
Party bags were going to be lovely little sewn bags in calico with toadstools on but as usual time didn't allow and I resorted back to the old faithful boxes with a simple toadstool tag bearing the child's name on the reverse. I did manage to pick up some gorgeous tooth boxes in a ladybird, sheep, frog and chicken design to keep with the fairy theme. They also got a little red notebook, fluffy pencil, fairy chocolate, toadstool post its and a cupcake!
How can you deny this little beauty anything on her birthday?! She is sporting her new hat and dress from Granny England which she wore to Nursery on Friday, she took cupcakes in to all her friends which I think was a big hit and then her party was on Saturday as Daddy would be around to help!
Blowing candles on her toadstool cake (picture below) please excuse the bad picture it was rather dark
Well now I just need to design the thank yous and that will be another birthday gone for this year, only Ellie to go now in November and she cannot decided between a bunny birthday and a butterfly birthday. I am definitely thinking about repeating the cupcake decorating of last year and it was a real hit and so much easier for me than party games.
As usual forgot to take any photos of the actual party which is annoying as I have a little mini book planned for Maddie to record her 4th Birthday. I think I will have to get creative now to complete it! Right I had better go and clear up the kitchen and try to steer clear of the caramel shortbread that is calling my name before I am sick.
1 comment:
The toadstool cake is fabulous!
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