A few work in progress pictures for you to see so that you don't think I have been slacking off. Mum and I are starting a new venture together with felt. We have been making felt necklaces and creatures to see and some kits for children and adults to play with. We are a few weeks off putting the items up in our shop at etsy but I will notify you when we do. Above is a wet felted necklace my Mum made with a Kumihimi (need to check the spelling) braid made in 100% silk.

My necklace is also wet felted with a silk braid and adorned with little flowers and beads.

Euan made this spider all by himself after Mum and I finished the felt workshop with his school during art week.

Shock Horror I have started my christmas stock and this little fellow is a prototype for a new range of tree decorations. I am planning on adding little wings at each side as I decided that some legs I had planned on didn't really suit. He is wet felted using alpaca and then dry felted details using merino wool. He is just over an inch tall.

Hello Mr Snail sorry your colour is not great in this photo, in real life he has a lime green body and rather vivid pink shell. Another creature in our felt range.

Meet Sid the Snake who comes in many different colours and designs.These were a real hit with the boys at the school.

Then there is Mr Bumble who will come in kit form and finished form. He has clear winds and lovely bead eyes.

Last but not least are next in my range of tree decorations, little felt christmas trees. These are all needle felted using merino wool and then adorned with more felt or beads.

So there you have it, I haven't been totally idle and there are lots of ideas in the works just don't have the time at the moment to bring them to fruition. We have John's parents staying with us this week and today was their wedding anniversary - Happy Anniversary John and Margaret! In the morning we took advantage of the break in the weather and got outside to do a little bit of weeding since the garden was becoming more weeds than flowers. Thank you John and Margaret for all your help with that. We then went to Bibury for lunch which is just the most picturesque village of all time. We had a nice lunch in the Swam Hotel, lovely food not so sure about the atmosphere there though. We spotted huge trout in the river and millions of ducks, I will definitely be taking the kids there for a wander around in the summer. We returned home just in time for Euan and Ellie's sports day and luckily Daddy was off work for a change. We returned home to cook american pancakes for tea for the kids (their request) and tikka chicken salad for the adults. I have watered the garden, walked the dog and finished all my thank you cards for Maddie's presents. So all in all a productive day. Plus this is my third post in two days can you believe it!!
Right off to bed now and up bright and early for my babies first induction day at school tomorrow. I still cannot believe she is going. :( Let me know what you think I should do with my robin, I am thinking little tear drop wings but if anyone has any ideas they would be greatfully received.
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